Executive Strategies is borne of a deep and personal understanding of the need for executives to perform over extended periods of time in what can be extremely high-pressure environments. I feel it myself as the CEO of a growing group of businesses and I also see it in our clients – executives who by nature of the complexity and burden of their responsibilities are ‘on’ 24/7 with little abatement even when they take leave. And, it’s the root of executive dis-order.
Keeping all those balls in the air has consequences for executives that are mostly personal.
Time is the big one. There’s never enough of it and when you have it and if you’re like me, when you have personal time you want to spend it in meaningful ways… with family, catching up with friends, doing something (anything) for yourself and being free of commitments if only for a short time.
This often means the time needed for important personal administration is sacrificed.
In short, while you’re making sure everything is well ordered at work, your financial, tax and legal matters are often in dis-order.
We call it ‘executive dis-order’. We know it’s common and widespread in the executive community and we’ve responded by developing a support system specifically for executives.
Our goal is to aid executives so they may achieve the same ordered approach to their personal affairs as they would expect of the business affairs they attend to every day.
First and foremost, Executive Strategies offers access to an information hub furnished by experts – qualified and experienced financial advisers, lawyers, specialist tax advisors, lenders and others, who share their professional insight on the wide-ranging topics that regularly impact executives.
Among them financial planning, Executive Share Scheme management, Australian and international tax advice, asset protection, debt, legal and financial advice for family law matters – separation, divorce, estate planning and so on.
Our following database has grown rapidly over the past 12 months and the updates we send to our executive community are well received. We believe this is because they are relevant to your circumstances and respectful of your time – we don’t bombard you.
If this is the year for you to create order from the dis-order of your personal affairs, may I invite you to contact me.
From one executive to another, we’ll talk through our well-considered and well-ordered process that does the heavy lifting for you, clarifies what you need, forms your Personal Strategic Plan, surrounds you with a bespoke professional team and executes it for you. Our goal is to help you reap the rewards of your commitment to career, make the most of the opportunities that come with high earnings, protect your assets and family, and importantly, shore up your future.
Next steps…
Please download our Executive Dis-order information brochure here.
Contact me on +61 7 3007 2080 or send an email.